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Home > About US > Compliance >  Compliance System

Compliance System

The company's compliance system centers on our Board of Directors, the Management Committee, the Compliance Committee and the Compliance Department.
The situation regarding internal compliance is constantly studied by the Compliance Department and the results are regularly reported to the Board of Directors and the Management Committee.
The Compliance Committee deliberates important matters concerning compliance.
The Compliance Department makes all possible efforts to promote and thoroughly establish compliance through such measures as urging managers and employees alike to take faithful and honest actions based on clear ethical standards.
In addition, the company takes the initiative in the promotion of the establishment and strengthening of overall group compliance system.

Consulting and Reporting System Regarding Compliance

Establishment of an external reporting contact desk

In order to strengthen the compliance system, the company has its external consulting and reporting contact desk by lawyers, in addition to the Compliance Committee, the Compliance Department and personnel in charge of compliance.
This external consulting and reporting contact desk guarantees the complete anonymity of any person consulting or reporting matters regarding the company, thereby reducing the psychological burden on those persons and making consulting and reporting easier.