1 When was the company established ?
Though registered date of the establishment was July 8, 1927, we regard February 8, 1950 as the date of foundation on which we newly inaugurated as securities finance company.
2 When was JSF’s stock listed ?
JSF’s stock listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in April 1950.
3 What kinds of companies are in the JSF Group ?
We have JSF Trust and Banking Co., LTD. and Nihon Building Co., LTD. as consolidated subsidiaries. And we also have Japan Information Processing Service Co., LTD. and JSF Information Technology Co., LTD as affiliate companies.
4 I would like to know more about the history of your company.
Our company history is described on the History page of our website.
5 Where do I contact you ?
Please see here.
6 I would like to know more about Loans for Margin Transactions.
1 When do your accounts officially close ?
Our fiscal year ends on March 31 of each year.
2 When do you announce its financial results ?
For the schedule of financial results, please see IR Calendar.
3 Where can I find your earnings reports ?
Please see Financial Results & Presentation Materials to download our financial reports and presentation materials.
4 Do you publish your earnings forecasts ?
We do not publish our earnings forecasts, because our core Loans for Margin Transactions business is highly depend on stock market conditions and interest rate trends. But we mention estimated figures on earnings reports. We will disclose our quarterly performance as soon as a reliable estimate can be made.
5 What is the current credit rating for the JSF Group ?
Please see Rating Information.
1 What is the securities code ?
Our securities code is 8511.
2 Which stock market is JSF listed ?
We are listed on the Prime Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange.
3 What is the minimum number of shares for trading ?
From 100 shares.
4 I would like to know information on major shareholder of JSF.
Major shareholders ranked top 10 are posted on JSF Report
5 When does JSF hold the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders? When is the date of voting rights for Ordinary Shareholder’s Meeting?
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders shall be held in June, every year.
The date of record for determining the shareholders who have the rights to exercise their voting rights at the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting is March 31, every year. -
6 Do you distribute gifts to attending shareholders the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ?
We do not distribute any gifts to attending shareholders to the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting.
7 What are the date of record for determining dividend payment to shareholders ?
The date of record for the term-end cash dividend payment is March 31, and September 30 for the interim cash dividend payment.
8 Whom should I contact regarding share purchasing procedures about the purchase of shares constituting less than 1 unit ?
Please contact your securities company.
9 Whom should I contact about uncollected dividends ?
Please see Stock Information.
Please do so promptly since, pursuant to our Articles of Incorporation, cash dividends 3 years old or more will no longer be paid out. -
10 Do you provide any shareholder benefits ?
We do not provide any shareholder benefits.