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Home > Investor Relations > Stock & Rating Information > Return to Shareholders

Return to Shareholders

Our shareholder return policy, dividends

Basic Policy

  • Retain solid equity capital to secure the financial health and management stability that society demands of the company as the infrastructure of securities market, and provide stable long-term return of profits to shareholders by comprehensively considering revenues environment or investment plan. etc.

  • Based upon this policy, we will strive to place more importance on shareholders return.

Shareholder Return Policy

With respect to shareholder returns, form a viewpoint of further enhancement, JSF will continue its policy of aiming for a total payout ratio of 100% on a cumulative basis in the years from FY2023 through FY2025, through the payment of dividends and the flexible implementation of share repurchases.

Dividend Payment Policy

With regard to the payment of dividends, traditionally JSF has been very proactive and in the period from FY2024 through FY2025, it will proactively pay dividends, aiming for a payout ratio of 70%.

Dividend per Share Trends

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023(Forecast)
Annual 22yen 26yen 30yen 32yen 47yen
Interim 11yen 11yen 15yen 16yen 17yen
Year-End 11yen 15yen 15yen 16yen 30yen
Payout Ratio 57.2% 60.1% 53.0% 47.2% 51.5%
Amount of Shares Repurchased 0.5billion yen - 2.3billion yen 3.0billion yen 3.8billion yen
Total Payout Ratio 71.0% 60.1% 97.6% 97.6% 100.2%

Share Buyback

Please see here concerning share back

Special Benefits for Shareholders

We do not have a system of special benefits for shareholders.